Makers of Melbourne

Welcome to Makers Of Melbourne – the ‘go to’ guide for our technically integrated age.

Makers Of Melbourne has been created to consume and assimilate Melbourne culture. We're male focussed, but not male specific, sorting through the dross to weed out the creative stars, standout events and stylish folk that make this city unique. 

MOM aims to embrace all facets of what makes this city a creative hub. Our aim is to inform without condescending – to keep you abreast of what’s going on without regurgitating Press Releases & to seek out this city’s sub cultures to give our readers the inside scoop on what’s REALLY happening with the people who make Melbourne Melbourne.

Event: Opening of Rue & Co.

The pristine 'Paris' end of Collins street is not typically a late night hot-spot, but Thursday night saw this usually quiet end of the CBD overrun by the bad and the beautiful, with the VIP opening of pop-up street-food quarter Rue & Co.

Jimmy Grants by George Calombaris, Kong BBQ by Chris Lucas, and St Ali by Salvatore Malatesta will now ply their own unique menus from sister shipping container kitchens based at 80 Collins street. The soiree took place in the fairy-light-decorated courtyard, where invited guests were plied with a delicious selection of food and champagne, topped off by killer espresso martinis designed by champion barista Matt Perger.

St Ali executive chef Andrew Gale sees the cult coffee institution's taking part in Rue & Co. as a great opportunity. 

“We’re rubbing shoulders with the high flyers on the restaurant scene. We’re a café, we’re a separate entity, but now [café’s] are starting to raise our game. The food is getting there."

For Kong BBQ, this pop-up gives Executive Chef Ben Cooper the first chance to introduce the soon-to-open restaurant's food to the public, while Jimmy Grants will bring the best souvas from the popular Fitzroy restaurant to Melbourne city's white collar set.  

Rue & Co. is now open to the public (Friday 2nd May) from 7am.

St Ali head chef Andrew Gale (R)

St Ali head chef Andrew Gale (R)

Celebrity Chef & owner of Jimmy Grants, George Calombaris with guests

Celebrity Chef & owner of Jimmy Grants, George Calombaris with guests

Chicken wings from Kong BBQ

Chicken wings from Kong BBQ

Kate Campbell Stone

Kate Campbell Stone

Salvatore Malatesta & Manager of St Ali South, Joanne 

Salvatore Malatesta & Manager of St Ali South, Joanne 

The 35 metre high artwork by renowned local street artist Rone at 80 Collins Street

The 35 metre high artwork by renowned local street artist Rone at 80 Collins Street