Makers of Melbourne

Welcome to Makers Of Melbourne – the ‘go to’ guide for our technically integrated age.

Makers Of Melbourne has been created to consume and assimilate Melbourne culture. We're male focussed, but not male specific, sorting through the dross to weed out the creative stars, standout events and stylish folk that make this city unique. 

MOM aims to embrace all facets of what makes this city a creative hub. Our aim is to inform without condescending – to keep you abreast of what’s going on without regurgitating Press Releases & to seek out this city’s sub cultures to give our readers the inside scoop on what’s REALLY happening with the people who make Melbourne Melbourne.

Filtering by Tag: Lucan

Lucan Grenson Stanley

Grenson are the oldest of all the English shoemakers.  Founded 'Green & Son' in 1866 Grenson was recently aquired and re-launched by Tim Little London.  The Stanley is one of Grenson's oldest and most famous brogues.  People often ask can tan brogues be worn with navy pants or jeans.  As anyone who already owns a pair of well-worn English brogues will tell you, they will go with just about anything.. Lucan breaking his new babies in on a early Autumn day..